The Ripple Effect of Rape & The Collective Denial
February 5, 2002
by Diana Goss
Statistics clearly indicate the downfalls for women and men
when they do actually report a rape. It is already well
documented that the probability of rapist conviction is
relatively low. Apart from a 'felt' sense of responsibility for
this crime, threats to the victims life, fear of attack on other
members of their family, (maybe the younger ones), or fear that
the rapist might return to repeat the whole ordeal again, are
just some of the reasons that prevent the victim from reporting.
What then, is there left in terms of resolution for the majority
of victims who choose not to report? If justice is
psychologically wholesome, then feelings of 'getting ones own
back', and 'regaining that lost power' are raised when justice
cannot be rightfully claimed.
This loss of 'an essential part of their own being'
(Walker, 1990) and subsequent anger can increase to intolerable
levels for 'non-reporters'. Murderous fantasies intrude into
everyday thought processes and in particular the dream world.
They might also be acted out in a dangerous mission for revenge.
For non-reporters there may be no resolution or closure. In not
reporting they allow their rapist to continue to have power over
them indefinitely or at least until they can gain the courage to
report, but as time advances the value of any remaining evidence
diminishes. Rape frequently results in long-term psychological
and physical damage to the victim (Ussher, 1991). They may try
to hide or forget what occurred, as they may not be able to
obtain help or even know where to seek it.
Limited Options
A remaining option for victims might be to 'work through'
it in therapy. I feel uncomfortable with that we as a collective
gather to support the victim but there is no 'witch hunt' for
the rapist. If a study of 140 psychiatric outpatients reveals
that 64 had a history of sexual assault and/or abuse does this
make neurosis a symptom of a patriarchal society (Surrey, et
al., 1990)? Other unpalatable estimates indicate that 1 in 4
women have been raped. These estimates become difficult to
validate when many rapes are not reported (Baker-Miller, 1986).
Koss puts forward the prospect that only 5% - 8% of adult sexual
assaults are reported compared to 61% of robberies and 82.5% of
As a therapist, I am questioning the validity of 'working
though' in therapy when, by not reporting, the victim allows the
control to continue and we, as helpers, collude with that. Are
we, then, as professionals able to provide the support so
desperately needed (Wheeler and Berliner, 1988)?
Violence against women is not a rare event (Walker,
1990), and we can postulate how rape might change the victim but
as a female therapist working with victims of sexual violence it
also affects me when working towards some resolution where
neither of us knows what that resolution might be. It greatly
angers me to be colluding with the rapist in that I too, am
terrified of being raped when I learn about the violent vagaries
of life, not always through my own experience but through that
of others.
There is no protection from this heinous crime; it cuts
across culture, class, age, gender, and power. There is no
hiding place for any of us. Darkened alleyways may be deemed
unsafe, but with rape, so might our own homes, our own families
and our own friendships and marriages become just as dangerous a
place to be. I feel chilled that I too am as vulnerable as the
people that I work with. I share the same world as my clients, I
may have a similar background, same gender, same orientation, be
a mother, be married like many of them too. I wonder, then, how
I would get resolution or closure?
Deconstructing rape
The ripple effect as to who this crime affects: partners,
families, friends, work colleagues, neighbours and the public at
large; is distinctly apparent, but through some sort of osmotic
process we tend to deny this. This is evidenced by terminology
that softens us from the blows our client has received when we
use words such as 'survivors' when some victims do not survive
at all (Scully, 1990), 'perpetrator' when the correct term is,
'rapist' and when referring to the rape itself we use terms such
as 'critical incident' or 'traumatic event' when we should say
'the rape'.
Sexual arousal
Some feminists argue that rape is the violent expression
of sex. This for me makes it sound like something that is done
together, and clearly, it is not a mutually shared
experience. Further deconstruction is necessary. For the victim
it is a defilement of their civil rights and therefore acutely
violent. However, it may be sex for the man. For full
penetration to take place he needs an erection. Arousal is
mediated though the brain by internal (fantasy) and external
sexual stimuli and in this way it becomes a blood lust, a joy in
violation and destruction, he becomes sexually aroused by power
and violence, brutal, and often mutilating, whether inflicted on
a male or female victim (Paglia, 1990, Ussher, 1991).
When clients weigh up the pros and cons of reporting,
like 'will my partner leave me', 'who will tolerate the
barbarity of my story', 'will I become tainted not only with the
act of rape but with my story going public', 'Can I tolerate any
more shame and humiliation' and so on… then one has to consider
the validity of these decisions. Non-reporters continue to have
a deep inner secret and because of the privileges of client
confidentiality, so do we, continuing to be a party to a crime
and obliged to withhold information about that.
A mutual process of discovery
I was asked by one female client to help her write her
story who, for many of the reasons above, did not report her
rape to the police. As a social research scientist, in principle
I agreed, perhaps because as Devereaux (1967) suggests all
research topics are chosen because they have an unconscious
meaning for the researcher. Clearly researcher objectivity
becomes an issue! In writing her story I could explore how the
act of sexual violence against women affects client and helper
alike. In order to undertake this kind of enquiry I had to
acknowledge my own position as a research tool in this
investigation and the bias this is likely to create, because in
my view a 'judgement neutral' study cannot exist when the
researcher/practitioner is also 'historically positioned and
locally situated as an observer of the human condition' (Denzin
and Lincoln, 1998:52).
All the intentions for reporting her story in this way
were wholesome and therapeutic both for her and indeed myself. I
considered this be an important and significant part of her
healing, a space for reflection for me and an opportunity for
others to consider the covert horrors of this crime. The
recording of the rape held therapeutic potential for her. To
experience and re-experience the pain; to work through the
progression of events that led up to the rape; to be able to
re-read it time and time again in an attempt to desensitise
herself to the horrendous event which left her battered, kicked
and bruised, lying catatonic in her own blood, urine and vomit,
in her own home until the morning light broke.
This idea of therapeutic resolution is not dissimilar to
the 12-step programme for AA, which involves telling the story
and experiencing the emotions attached to it. For all this to be
achieved I thought perhaps an in depth case study would be
appropriate. Both my client's intentions and mine were robust
and there is nothing unusual about in-depth case study research
methodology. She fantasised about the writing developing into a
book. She hoped that one day others could find the book that she
was looking for on the library shelves when she was in an
endless search to understand why it happened? How? What was it
that she was experiencing? How long would it take to 'recover'?
The funding was even considered, and any potential revenue
generated by its possible publication was destined for a charity
that supports rape victims.
I further examined the validity of counselling research
and found that I was in agreement with John Mcleod (1994) when
he quotes some realistic criticisms of therapy research made by
- Studies designed to incorporate the complexities of
psychotherapy are rarely done.
…Important variables may be ignored,
'Often researchers focus on specific techniques while
ignoring the importance of the relationship between therapist
and client' (McLeod p183, source: Morrow, Bradley & Elliot,
Every case that we as helpers work with must bring something
up in the therapist… but some cases bring up more than others.
The therapist also has a story to tell and for generations,
story telling continues to be one of the most crucial ways in
which we learn. Wanting to downplay the expert/subject imbalance
I had to avoid the traditional androcentric scientific research
methodologies where the researcher examines the subject. It was
important to include the client rather than to examine her, and
then to reflect and report on the significant changes that it
has brought about in her and in me. Within this project I could
discuss the therapeutic relationship and how such disturbing
material can affect it. I continued to examine this style of
research and found that Yin's criteria for a 'good case study'
require five main considerations:
- Significance -…case study that is unusual or
revelatory will have more impact…
- Completeness - to give the reader an understanding
of the whole of the case, given sufficient contextual
information, and ensuring that all relevant information has been
- Consideration of alternative perspectives -
weighing up the merits and values and alternative explanations
and interpretations
- Sufficient evidence - must be provided so that the
reader can make their own judgements
- Effective writing - written in an engaging manner
which should entice or seduce the reader
(Source: McLeod 1994)
I am familiar with writing counselling research and the
ethical considerations of maintaining client anonymity through
the narrative, but then the parallel process struck me. I too
began to feel frightened. I had to seriously consider
maintaining rapist anonymity also. It was now affecting me to a
very acute degree. I was now powerless to report.
If the rapist could be identified through the narrative then
both client and therapist might be at risk.
If it were not examined contextually, then as a
researcher I would not be doing the 'research work'. I could
certainly meet Yin's criteria, but even with client/participant
consent I might render myself at the mercy of an ethical
tribunal. To pursue it from a researcher/practitioner
perspective would require me to 'soften' the event, even 'hide'
fundamental aspects of it. That is not doing justice to my
client, to myself, to research and to the readers of counselling
research, [who are often neophyte counsellors who might benefit
from hearing about the brash realities of the work we as
professional helpers undertake.]
Paucity of research on rape
The counselling research movement is growing and I am
comforted that practitioners are telling the stories that are
told within our consulting rooms, that we analyse and examine
efficient practice, what works and what does not, and how and
why it works. In this way we hope to improve the quality of our
work for the benefit of client and helper alike. However, there
will always be blind spots and I believe one of them is the
issue of rape. These well-founded intentions cannot be realised
when the rapist is still at large. Given these difficulties it
is not surprising then, that many researchers have ignored the
whole issue of sexual abuse in the past (Jacobsen and
Richardson, 1987; Koss, 1988).
There may be no such thing as a victimless crime, but rape is
a 'victimfull' crime where not just the victim, but many other
individuals experience not only the savage cruelty of the rape
but also the silencing of telling the story.
Collective denial
Perhaps a 'collective' denial is experienced in that, we,
as a cohort of therapists, come to experience the parallel
process that may be likely to occur (Troiden, 1987), where the
silencing of the client in turn silences us. We take on a
professional responsibility to secretise it. Kirby and Corzine
(1981) identify this as a 'stigma contagion' where the
researcher who researches sensitive topics comes to share the
stigma of those being researched. If this is not brought to
consciousness then, because we exist within the same world as
our clients, a countertransference can be activated where the
client's material ignites something in the helper's internal
world or external life (Racker, 1968). Then practitioners may
'act as if' we are the victim and become 'powerless' to help our
client, we may not 'report' it in supervision, or we might even
'become' the rapist by our use of penetrating interventions.
Parallel process
My argument here is that these notions are not
necessarily specific to me but may affect many therapists.
Therefore it might become a 'collective defence' of denial and
common characteristics of countertransference may emerge. I
believe that raising these concerns to a conscious level makes
any likely countertransference conscious. If the researcher
could get past the anonymity hurdles there may be hope for a
real difference to made in our profession, but there may also be
an 'occupational stigma' that may affect the presenting of
findings to groups who may stereotype research on sensitive
issues, such as rape, and this may be why it is such an under
researched topic, however, this cannot presently be known (Lee,
Red Herrings!
It is no longer necessary to reiterate the rapist
profile, to endlessly argue the nature-nurture debate of
rapists, or to discuss whether all men are potential rapists.
These are all red herrings and only continue to deny how much
rape causes real anguish for the victim. Camille Paglia (1990)
argues that society should be women's protection against rape,
not be in collusion with it, but she continues, 'The rapist is a
man with too little socialisation'. If this is so, we do a
disservice to the victim and to ourselves. Not all men rape, but
all women are at risk. This leaves me wondering if rape is an
example of mans ownership over women (Ussher, 1991), and how do
men who do not rape feel about this?
I believe it is now necessary to explore, and to make
known the affect of rape on the whole of society, men and women
alike, how rape affects us all because no one is
allowed to scream RAPE. The question I raise here is, if
we constitute society, then are we all potential
victims of rape? How can potential victims also be the
protectors? It pains me to allow this crime to go unspoken. As
long as the rapist is at large I would posit that the
rapist has power and control over all of us: victims,
helpers and researchers alike.
Diana Goss is a UKCP registered psychosexual and relationship
psychotherapist and registered BACP practitioner and social
research scientist. She currently works in private practice with
individuals and couples experiencing sexual and relationship
concerns. She consults for EAP companies, lectures on
counselling skills at the university of Portsmouth and is a
trainee supervisor to voluntary counsellors at Portsmouth
counselling service.
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