I am the terrible, offending "woman bashing" editor
of Transitions, the newsletter of the National Coalition
of Free Men ("NCFM").
Glenn Sacks' recent article about terrible women bashing within
men’s groups was pure defamation. He neglected to tell you a
few simple facts.
The issue of Transitions that offended Mr. Sacks did indeed
feature the cartoon that he so objected to. What Mr. Sacks does
not tell you is that two other articles about women appeared in
that same issue. I wrote one, a tribute to my aunt Wilma who
had died recently. The other, written by Francis Baumli, was an
eloquent tribute to Dolly Parton. If you’d like to measure it
that way, the volume of laudatory writing about women was
approximately ten times greater than the material Sacks refers
to as "women bashing." Perhaps Mr. Sacks agrees with
the feminist tenet that women like my aunt Wilma and Dolly
Parton are not really women.
The issue here is not whether NCFM is engaged in women
bashing. The issue is whether men have the right to criticize
women at all. Mr. Sacks is a PC censor who feels that men
simply do not have the right to criticize women.
Mr. Sacks has engaged in this defamation of
Transitions because he is greedy for recognition and
power. Only a few months into membership in NCFM, Mr. Sacks has
attempted to purge those members who do not hew to his PC
agenda. Mr. Sacks is an enemy of the individualist ideas
embodied in IFeminist.
Mr. Sacks neglected to tell you a few things about me. I am
married to a woman who has a professional career. I have raised
two daughters, one of them a step-daughter. Both of my
daughters are college-educated and self-reliant.
I do not believe in women bashing. Nor am I particularly
opposed to it. I am an advocate of complete freedom of speech.
Men and women should be able to say whatever they want to say.
The fact that men say some things that are critical of women
does not mean that those men are "women bashers." Mr.
Sacks is an enforcer of the PC code. Just as no person is
allowed to criticize blacks without being defamed as a
"racist," Sacks would like to defame any man who dares
to criticize women in any regard as a "woman
IFeminist has done a disservice to freedom of speech and
reasonable debate by publishing this defamatory article about
Transitions and NCFM. Mr. Sacks is a closet Stalinist
who would like to purge any man who dares to criticize women
from the ranks of men’s groups. He wants to do so to place a
halo over his head and annoint himself as the only sainted
leader of men.
Stephen Thomas
Glenn Sacks responds:
Regarding Stephen Thomas' hysterical denunciation of me, let
me make a couple of points:
1) Stephen says that I am "greedy for power" and that I
"attempted to purge those [NCFM] members who do not hew to [my]
PC agenda." Yes, so greedy for power that I was offered the
editorship of the NCFM's publication Transitions several
times--Stephen's job--and turned it down each time. NCFM is a
fine organization, but I prefer to make my writing my activism.
I've done practically nothing in my brief time as a member of
NCFM, much less attempt to organize a Stalinist purge to put
myself in power.
2) I never even mentioned Stephen's name in my piece and he
is only a small part of it, but he instantly took the entire
piece as a direct and savage attack on him and only him.
Stephen needs to understand that if he is going to write
articles and edit publications people will sometimes criticize
him and his ideas--it's nothing to go mental over.
3) Stephen spends most of the article defending himself
against phantom attacks--I never said or implied anything about
Stephen personally, and in fact I went out of my way to say that
I think most males who rhetorically bash women do so not out of
misogyny but out of misdirected frustration. Stephen says he's
a good husband and a good father to his daughters and I'm glad
to hear it, but his character had nothing to do with my article.
Anyone interested in reading my column
Woman-Bashing In the Men's Movement" can do so at www.GlennSacks.com.
The rest of Thomas' frenzied letter speaks for itself--Stephen,
next time try decaf.
Best Wishes,
Glenn Sacks
"A low-profile lawsuit at the University of Virginia School of Law could
make professors liable for the childhood traumas of their students."
I read this article, forwarded to me by a coworker. I wanted to scream in
anger and frustration upon completion.
My heart goes out to Ms. Sanchez for her horrific struggles and sufferings
during her childhood. No human should have to endure this type of
treatment. On the other hand, if the simple tap/rubbing on the shoulder
by a professor generates such an explosive action under the guise of
awakened suppressed childhood memories, then what is the court to expect
once involved in some godforsaken case dealing with some sickening topic
such as child rape? I mean, hey... what if someone accidentally bumps
into her during the trial? eek!
And Professor Abraham, what about him? What about this victim? Obviously
a gifted instructor, one who cares deeply about his subject, and those he
teaches. It seems now days these types of teachers are getting harder and
harder to find. He has become a victim of his gift, his passion for
teaching, and desire to ignite that education passion in his students.
Ms. Sanchez can "shrug off" this issue as you noted in your article, which
really confuses me. A woman so "traumatized" that she brings suit against
an instructor over a harmless touch can "shrug off" the potential outcome
of this suit? (**According to the March 27 Daily Progress, Sanchez
reportedly "shrugs off" concerns such as the chilling of free speech in the
classroom.) How can she stand in this country, and enjoy the benefit of
freedom with this attitude? A nice twenty five thou for compensatory, and
ten thou for punitive... yeah baby... that smells like law school money to
This woman makes me sick. She makes me ill for all the other women in this
country who have fought to rise from the ashes of a painful past. I can
write no more, as this topic so thoroughly disgusts me I find a migraine
coming on, and an upset stomach rumbling... Maybe I could sue you for some
Pepto-Bismol or Excedrin????