The American public was deluged with misinformation about
men, women, and domestic violence during the 1995 OJ Simpson
double-murder trial. With the recent arrest of actor Robert
Blake for the murder of his wife, much of that misinformation is
now being repeated.
For example, the morning after Blake's arrest, attorney and
KABC talk show host Gloria Allred, who previously represented
Simpson's former sister-in-law Denise Brown, linked the Blake
case and the Simpson case to widespread "violence against
women," committed by men who often have "contempt" for females.
However, contrary to what we were led to believe during the
Simpson trial, the murder of male partners or intimates by women
is actually as prevalent as the murder of female intimates by
men. Official Department of Justice (DOJ) statistics disguise
this, however, through what men's issues author Warren Farrell
calls the "blinders" to female murder of men.
One of Farrell's blinders is the fact that women generally
use less detectable methods to murder intimates than men do.
One of the most popular female methods is to poison the victim,
and these poisonings are often mistakenly recorded as "heart
attacks" and "accidents" instead of murder.
Another blinder is that women are much more likely than men
to use "contract" killers, and contract killers often disguise
murders as accidents or suicides. Even when a paid killer is
caught and the truth is known, the DOJ counts the murder as a
"multiple-offender" killing instead of as a murder of a man by a
female intimate.
Farrell also notes that men who murder women tend to come
from lower class backgrounds, whereas women who murder men are
more likely to come from middle-class backgrounds. Thus the
financial disparities allow for women to have better legal
representation, resulting in more acquittals. In fact,
according to a Justice Department study, women were nine times
as likely men to be acquitted in a trial for the murder of a
spouse, and 10 times as likely to receive probation instead of
prison time.
Official statistics are further distorted by what Farrell
calls the "Chivalry Factor" and the "Innocent Woman Factor,"
both of which make it less likely that women will even be
suspected of murder, and more likely that the murders they
commit will be ruled as "self-defense."
Despite these large distortions, men still comprise roughly
30% of those officially classified as being murdered by an
intimate. According to the DOJ, each year men murder about 1,275
female intimates and women murder around 500 male intimates
(excluding self-defense). In addition, according to the US
Department of Justice's Special Report--Violence Against Women,
there are roughly 7,800 unsolved murders of men and 1,500
unsolved murders of women each year.
Now let's do the math. Because roughly 33% of all female
murder victims are killed by male intimates, whenever a woman is
murdered, the immediate suspect is always a husband or male
intimate. This means that in these 1,500 unsolved murders,
police have already either ruled these men out or decided that
the evidence against them is weak.
Thus the percentage of those 1,500 women who are murdered by
a male intimate has to be much lower than 33%. Let's say the
percentage is 15%, though it is quite possibly much lower than
that. Fifteen percent of 1,500 is 225 which, added to 1,275
(the confirmed total), makes a total of 1,500 female victims of
male intimates a year.
Now let's do the math for male murder victims. Obviously the
vast majority of these unsolved murders were not committed by
female intimates, though police erroneously do not view female
intimates as suspects as often as they should. Let's say that
only 7% of these murders were committed by female intimates
which, considering the blinders, seems quite low. Seven percent
of 7,800 is 550 which, when added to the 500 known murders,
bring us to 1,050--over 40% of all intimate murder victims.
This is consistent with the numbers from the US Department of
Justices survey Murder in Families, which analyzed 10,000 cases
and found that women make up over 40 percent of those charged in
familial murders. If, instead of 7%, the percentage was a
still-reasonable 12.8%, the intimate murder rates between the
genders would be equal. In addition, as Farrell notes, since
many murders of men by female intimates are not even recorded as
murders, including them would push the total of male victims
even higher.
Nor is there a gender disparity in non-lethal domestic
violence. A voluminous body of studies--many of them conducted
by some of the earliest advocates for battered women--clearly
demonstrate that women are at least as likely as men to initiate
and engage in domestic violence. They also demonstrate that most
domestic violence, whether committed by men or women, is not in
There are only two major statistical differences between male
and female domestic violence: Women are more likely than men to
use weapons and the element of surprise, and women are more
likely than men to suffer serious injuries. The only studies
which show significant differences in the number of male and
female victims are crime surveys. These surveys are held in low
esteem by serious researchers, however, because they only ask
respondents about domestic violence in the context of crime, and
most male victims do not think of their intimates' attacks on
them as crimes.
A common feminist claim is that our allegedly patriarchal
society blames women for men's domestic violence. Allred, who
represents Blake's first wife, claims that in both the Simpson
case and the Blake case the defense and their supporters have
tried to "blame the victim."
This claim does not hold up to scrutiny. During the Simpson
case the defense claimed that Nicole Brown-Simpson may have been
murdered by drug dealers. The theory certainly doesn't portray
Nicole in a positive light, and her friends and family were
understandably upset by it. However, whatever one thinks of the
theory's plausibility, it was not advanced to justify her
murder, but instead to demonstrate that there may have been
others besides her husband who had a motive to murder her.
Blake's attorney Harlan Braun has claimed that the late
Bonnie Bakley had conned and extorted money out of numerous men.
However, Braun has not publicized this to blame Bakley for her
murder, but instead to show his client's innocence by explaining
that there were many others who had a motive to kill Bakley.
This is not "blaming the victim."
The OJ Simpson case was a disaster for American men, as it
gave Allred and countless other feminists an unprecedented media
opportunity to distort reality on domestic violence. These
distortions have helped to create extreme anti-male bias in our
domestic violence laws, police procedures, and family court
policies. The Blake case has again placed the spotlight on
domestic violence, and has also created an opportunity to set
the record straight.
Glenn Sacks' columns have appeared in
the Los Angeles Times,
the Houston Chronicle,
the San Francisco Chronicle,
the Philadelphia Inquirer,
the San Diego Union-Tribune,
the St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
the Los Angeles Daily News,
the Salt Lake City Tribune,
the Memphis Commercial-Appeal,
and the Washington Times.
He invites readers to visit his
website at