Armed men burst in the door and
seize a nine year-old boy. His father resists, and is beaten by
the masked intruders. Bloodied and dazed he makes a frantic call
to 911, saying "they stole my son, my son!" The person accused
of orchestrating the kidnapping is the person one might least
likely suspect....the boy's mother.
While much attention has been paid
to the kidnappings of Danielle van Dam, Samantha Runion and
others, the vast majority of child abductors are not strangers
but parents, as in the recent abduction of nine-year-old
Nicholas Farber of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Two-thirds of the
kidnappings in Colorado between 1998 and 2001 were carried out
by family members, as are the vast majority of the roughly
350,000 child abductions in the United States each year.
According to the US Department of
Justice, mothers and fathers abduct their children in equal
numbers. Since custodial mothers outnumber custodial fathers
four to one, custodial fathers are at a much higher risk of
having their children abducted by noncustodial mothers than
custodial mothers are of having their children abducted by
noncustodial fathers.
There are many different reasons
why parents abduct their children. In some cases, like the
Farber abduction, the abducting parent is mentally unstable
and/or a drug abuser. In others, according to Robert Muchnick,
Executive Director for the Center for Children's Justice in
Denver, the parent abducts because of "power, control and
Muchnick explains that parents
without custody often feel inadequate and powerless. Seizing the
child gives them the "keys to the kingdom" by making them feel
like the better parent and also by giving them control over
their children.
Many abducting parents are
narcissistic, he explains, believing that "abducting the child
would be in their children's best interest when, in reality,
they are only acting to gratify their own desires."
Most experts agree, however, that
revenge against a former spouse or partner is the primary motive
in the majority of parental kidnapping cases. Such emotions are
often the malignant outgrowth of the unjust win/lose child
custody system.
For women, losing custody of one's
children can be devastating emotionally. Also, because courts
lean so heavily towards mothers in child custody rulings,
mothers without custody often bear the terrible stigma of "unfit
mother," even if they ceded custody voluntarily and for healthy
For fathers, losing custody does
not bear the same stigma, simply because few fathers are able to
win custody of their children. However, fathers also acutely
feel the loss of daily contact with their children following a
divorce or separation. Perhaps more importantly, studies show
that half or more noncustodial fathers are victims of access and
visitation denial or "move-away moms." This unrecognized
epidemic often cuts fathers out of their children's lives
entirely, and can make some desperate or vengeful enough that
they resort to seizing their children.
Government efforts to address
parental kidnappings, such as the 1980 federal Parental
Kidnapping Prevention Act, have not solved the problem largely
because it is often difficult for the parent whose children have
been abducted to find them and their abductor. What is needed is
to reform the child custody system in order to prevent the
kidnappings from occurring in the first place.
According to the US Department of
Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice, children in sole custody
are at a far greater risk of being abducted by a parent than
children in joint physical custody. One effective way to reduce
the incidence of parental kidnaping is to replace the current
win/lose, adversarial family court system with shared parenting
and the rebuttable presumption of joint physical custody.
Under shared parenting, if
divorcing parents are unable to agree on a shared parenting
plan, the courts would implement a plan which affords both
parents equal physical time with the child or children. Judges
would not be able to deviate from this egalitarian arrangement
unless there is strong evidence that one of the parents has
committed acts which render that parent unfit, such as child
abuse or domestic violence.
By assuring both parents that they
will be able to remain equal participants in their children's
lives, shared parenting takes much of the conflict and struggle
for power out of divorce. In turn, it will lessen the anger and
fear endemic to custody battles--emotions which can lead some
parents to commit vengeful and harmful child abductions.
This column first appeared in the
Colorado Springs Gazette (9/22/02).
Glenn Sacks writes about gender issues from the male perspective.
He can be reached at
Dianna Thompson is the founder
and executive director of the American Coalition for Fathers and
Children (
She can be contacted by e-mail at